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Comment démarrer Chrome sous OSX en mode kiosque (pas de logins, plein écran, pas d'accès au menu dans clavier)

Depuis :

Créer un fichier dans applescript :

do shell script “open '/Applications/Google' le-fichier-ou-page-web” tell application “Google Chrome” to activate tell application “System Events”

keystroke "f" using {command down, shift down}

end tell

# File > Export # Export As: kiosk-app # Where: Desktop # File Format: Application # Save

## Shut off Apple System Updates # System Preferences > App Store # Uncheck “Automatically check for updates”

## Also: shut off Bluetooth and remove any paired devices

## Setup screen sharing if you need to access a mounted unit (probable).

## Possible hang-ups: # 1. Teamviewer seems to fuck the whole thing up so Remote screenshare is something to think about. # 2. I don't think you can remove Chrome autoupdates. I think you can “silence” them.